One of the core values being practiced in Montessori De Sagrada Familia is love for God. Being a school founded in faith and guided by the virtues of the Holy Family, MDSF invites everyone to being holy.
As the Grade 3 students enter the stage of reason, they are to practice the third of the seven sacraments; the communion.
Communion is a ceremony practiced by Catholics, in which one receives the Eucharist that represents the body of Christ.
The first communion of the Grade 3 students will be today October 13, 2017. The preparation for the communion started on First Monday of September at the Conference Hall. The practice is done every day. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the practice is in the afternoon while Tuesday, Thursday is done in the morning. The practice is supervised by Grade 3 teachers.
The practice is about the parts of the mass, the responses, songs, and the prayers.
by: Clarice Espiritu