Clean, Neat, and Tidy.
These are the perks of having a grooming kit. Isn’t it nice to see that all students are well-groomed? After all, appearance also makes an impact to character and education. This is the main reason why Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF) teachers recommend their students to have their own grooming kit in school.
What’s the secret of being clean and presentable? Well, it’s not that hard at all. Here are the things students must have in their grooming kit.
***Powder and Baby cologne- Yup. It’s basic yet important. Students spend many hours in school and in those hours, they do a lot. They love to roam around and do activities that require them to move which is why by the end of the day, they are wet from sweat. The powder and the cologne freshen them up.
***Baby Towel- Of course cologne and powder would not be enough to stop them from perspiring, they need a towel, a baby towel. It could be placed on their back to absorb sweat.
***Comb- Messy hair? They could always be tidied up with a comb. It definitely prevents a bad hair day.
***Alcohol- This is used to sanitize their hands after eating and also every time that their hands get dirty.
***Extra uniform- The extra uniform could be used when they spill their food on their uniform or in case anything happens.
So there you go! The secret to being neat and tidy is not that hard at all. Just like the saying goes “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” That’s why it is very important to be presentable for it could also prevent diseases and any other illnesses. Always remember that a clean child is a healthy child.
By Clarice Joy L. Espiritu