“A pleasant evening to everyone.
We, members of Batch 2019, have finally succeeded in climbing the ladder of challenging yet fulfilling journey in the Senior High School. We have made ourselves proud and triumphant by continuing the legacy, if not adding more to it, of those who came before us by exerting all of our strengths and abilities to face all of the struggles that came our way. Pursuing our educational goal is one of the things that will help us to secure brighter future. We carried big responsibilities on our shoulders that trained us to be strong and independent young individuals who are ready to take on bigger tasks. Most importantly, we deemed ourselves ready as we will be moving on towards the next stage of our academic career – getting a college education. After all, Senior High School has not only imparted in us knowledge from our lessons, but also made us realize the importance of values and virtues that we must live by.
Our life in this institution has been made up of valuable experiences and lessons that prepared us for future challenges and endeavors. We learned the value of friendship, the importance of treasuring each other, and the beauty of extending our hands toward our fellow students who need our help and support. Some of us may come from different academic strands – STEM or from ABM or HUMSS, but that difference did not hinder us to link our arms and reach our dreams together.
Tonight, we are standing in front of you as one. We are one family who have journeyed together and jumped over hurdles that life throws at us. We found ourselves in the midst of it all – learning our lessons, memorizing a lot of concepts, taking our written exams, accomplishing our performance tasks, and defending our theses – but all of these made us the stronger that we are today. We made it! The feeling of accomplishing all of these and finally receiving our diplomas in this momentous occasion have filled all of our hearts with great joy and contentment. This is the proof of our hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence.
Upon reflection, it is but fitting to thank the unwavering efforts of our teachers who never failed to guide us and supplied us with necessary knowledge and skills to be proficient combined with the strength that we gained from our parents and the wisdom that our Lord has blessed us with.
Somehow, it feels like we are just starting our first day in Senior High School, but time flies so fast and here we are now. We are about to take a big leap towards the great future that awaits us. We will now be leaving the hallowed halls of our dear, Montessori De Sagrada Familia and we will now be entering a completely new environment as we become college students. Some of us might be scared or wary as to how we are going to handle ourselves when we step foot in college. Some of us might be excited since it is an opportunity for new beginnings. That is why we should all remember that whatever it is that we may think, we should be confident that we can make it. Our beloved Alma Mater has nurtured us with the seeds of knowledge and wisdom as we embark new chapter of our lives. We are prepared and more than ready to succeed in our future endeavors.
New chances, a lot of opportunities and endless possibilities. These are all the beautiful things that await us as we turn the page and delve into the new chapter of our life. Like the song that we sang today suggests, we are the writers of our own stories. We are the ones who are going to dictate our future and we can only do that by accepting what was in store for us. Let’s not be afraid to grab the opportunities knocking at our doors. Let’s not waver to give our best when taking on challenges that life brings us. Let’s live our life with our arms wide open, embracing the light of the wonders of this new beginning.
What the future holds may be fraught with misfortunes and adversities, but there is no reason to be afraid. We should draw motivation from our loved ones and inspiration from God’s timeless counsels. My fellow graduates, I only have two things that I want you all to remember. Soar high and savor the sweetness of our success. As we move on, we will not just soar high but soar higher towards the greater heights of our dreams, our wings spread out achieving our goals with flying colors. This is the start of our story. This is the time to grab that pen of opportunities and write the book of our life.
Congratulations to all of you. Godspeed for a new beginning.”
-Maria Alanis Tenorio
Sagradan SHS Graduate Batch 2019