The Elementary Subject Area Supervisors of Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc. (MDSF) recently held a Professional Learning Community (PLC) session, entitled “Building and Rebuilding Relationships in the Classroom: A Classroom Management Session,” with the upper and lower grade school teachers last July 22, 2022, at the Pre-School Conference Room.
The session’s objective, to discuss classroom management, was accomplished by going through different segments. The teachers were encouraged to share their experiences and insights, interact with each other, and work collaboratively towards a more learner-centered community.
The first segment tackled situations given by the teachers that were prevalent during the online set-up and scenarios that could possibly happen in a face-to-face setting. Some of these include connection of teachers to pupils (i.e. Online class is difficult for learners who do not like to answer.), learners’ hidden queries, interruptions due to online noise, and accidents without the adviser knowing and the parents being informed.
The second segment talked about some parental concerns which could help in establishing a teaching-learning environment open to necessary adjustments. Some of these include the importance of practice teaching in handling pupils and in transitioning between lower and upper-grade level learners, collaboration in the classroom with diverse learners, and challenges in discipline based on the Sagradan core values.
The third segment first defined classroom management as a routine, procedure, and relationship of learners that cater to social and academic skills. It then proceeded to discuss classroom management then and now starting with the overview of rules and relationships and the stark difference between “management” and “control.” Establishing good relationships or compliance through the concept of rewards and consequences and pursuing restorative practices through cognitive, behavioral, and affective approaches and positive relationships were given as insights.
The fourth segment presented an interactive activity, “Let’s Make Arte!” The teachers acted out some given scenarios, gave solutions, and received feedback from fellow teachers.
The last segment introduced significant factors for better classroom management such as dialogue on portfolio and assessment guidelines. The portfolio will follow the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 8, s. 2015 while the philosophical standpoint will focus on assessment and the vision, mission, and cultural impact on studentry. The purpose of these is to showcase the growth and progress of the learners and assess their learning at the same time. With these, a series of steps are developed: (1) accomplishing a portfolio, (2) gathering evidence/s, (3) following a criteria, and (4) having given questions for reflection.
The recently concluded PLC session regarding classroom management aims to reiterate that there will always be room for improvement for educators who want their learners to achieve the pinnacle of learning despite the abrupt paradigm shift caused by the pandemic.