Due to the ongoing surge of COVID-19 infections in the Philippines since the first week of 2021, Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc. (MDSF) responded through the implementation of academic ease from January 17-21 benefitting the students and the teachers.
After surveying the Sagradan families and employees, it was found that 10-15% of students per grade level and around 25% of school personnel contracted the virus or experienced flu symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, and body aches. This prompted the school administration to implement academic ease.
As provided in the guidelines of the academic ease, students identified with flu symptoms, with COVID-19 virus, or with a family member/s infected by the virus were compassionately provided with considerations in which they were not required to do their pending tasks on the said week. Instead, they were advised to focus on taking rest and treating themselves. Once they are fully recovered, they will be given ample time to accomplish their pending tasks.
Meanwhile, in the High School Department, all activities and assessments scheduled on Week 6 (January 17-21) were deferred and students who do not belong to the mentioned conditions were advised to work on their pending tasks assigned during the previous weeks. The teachers who were not ill and able to work were on standby in their consultation rooms to accommodate inquiries from the students.
“Through the academic ease, students affected by COVID-19 were given enough time to recover from the virus while students that are healthy and well were not deprived of the opportunity to continue learning amidst an ongoing surge. This is the beauty of flexible remote learning facilitated by compassionate and understanding teachers,” stated Ma’am Maria Cristina Silamor, the principal of MDSF.