Reverend Father Joseph Franz Dizon officiated the Sacrament of the First Holy Communion for the students of Montessori De Sagrada Familia (MDSF), deepening Sagradans’ spiritual connection with the Lord and fulfilling their commitment to the Christian faith this morning, October 13 at The Chapters, MDSF Social Hall.
Organized by Teacher Jovelina Inductivo, the Vice Principal for Student Affairs, Mr. Christian Anthony Valino, the Student Well-Being Officer, Miss Ma. Cristina Perez, the Student Program Coordinator, along with the entire Office of Student Affairs (OSA), the event aimed to serve as a momentous occasion for young Catholics to receive the Eucharist for the very first time.
The majority of first communicants were primarily third-grade students, and the dedicated homeroom advisers for this grade played a crucial role in ensuring that the event was as memorable as possible, all under the guidance of their grade level coordinator, Teacher Jahna Carmella Galvez.
Furthermore, the enthusiastic Father Franz stated during the homily that the holy body that they (Sagradans) would receive is not mere physical bread but rather a symbolic nourishment for the spirit, urging everyone to grow with the family and attend the mass every Sunday of the week as a remembrance and testament of their steadfast belief to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Maria Carmela Ong, the principal of MDSF, concluded the service with a heartfelt speech, offering blessings to the Sagradan students embarking on this new chapter, embracing the acceptance of salvation through partaking in this solemn rite.
To conclude the event, Sagradan students delighted their families with a dance performance while singing “Give Thanks,” which was choreographed by the grade three homeroom advisers. In addition, the MDSF official choir, Himig Sagradan, comprising members from various grade levels, provided a soul-stirring vocals during the mass.
The young communicants together with their parents, who all expressed their love for God through this ceremony, began queuing at 8:15 am. The mass concluded at 10:30 am, marking the first of many significant promises and milestones in their spiritual life.