Speak in English
The English speaking campaign is strictly observed. All students and employees are required to Speak in English.
Number of Allowable Book loans
A student can borrow a maximum of 3 books at a time.
Renewing / Returning of Books and other library materials
- Books should be returned or renewed on time.
- Renewal of book loan is allowed if the book is not in demand.
General Reference Books
Reference books are for room use only.
Audio-Visual and Electronic / Multimedia Resources
These materials can be borrowed for classroom viewing and only teachers are allowed to borrow them.
Requirements for using the collections of the Library
The school ID is required for all transactions inside the library. No ID, no borrowing of any library materials.
Fines for Overdue Books
A fine of 2 pesos per day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays shall be collected for all overdue library materials.
Loss of Books
A lost book shall be replaced by the same or later edition of the same book, and the corresponding fine must be paid. A fine shall be computed up to the day which the obligation is settled.
Mutilation and theft of Library materials
Writing on books, library tables, and chairs, theft of any library materials, tearing of pages and all forms of mutilation are strictly prohibited and are subject to disciplinary action.
Customer’s conduct inside the library
- Proper conduct is expected of customers at all times. The librarian has the authority to send out anyone causing disturbance inside.
- Customers are required to deposit their bags at the baggage counter.
- Chairs and tables are not to be disarranged.
- Students are not allowed to operate any library equipment and property without asking permission from the librarian.
- Bystanders are not allowed in the library.
- Printing of any documents is not allowed.
- Students are not allowed to browse the yearbooks in the library.
- The Library is not a dating area/room.
- One student one computer at a time
- Playing of any games is not allowed
- No sharing of accounts
- Opening of any social networking sites is not allowed
- The Internet section is for Research purposes only
- The Internet section of the library is only an optional source of information.
- A Student who wants to use the section must secure a copy of the internet form and pay 25 pesos to the librarian
- The 25 pesos is good for 2-hour Internet service
Offenses and Disciplinary Actions
Students who violated the Rules and Regulations mentioned above shall be subjected to the following sanctions:
1st Offense: Warning / Oral reprimand
2nd Offense: Suspension of the privileges in using the library and all its resources for 1 week
3rd Offense: Suspension of the privileges in using the library and all its resources for 1 Month
4th Offense: Suspension of the privileges in using the library and all its resources for the rest of the school year