The Chapters, MDSF Social Hall – A series of recognition and commencement rites transpired last March 27-28, 2018 at the school social hall honoring the hard-earned accomplishments and fruitful learning experiences that were generated from the school year 2017-2018.
Sagradan teachers, proud parents and family members were present to witness the special culmination and celebrate with their children. This year’s theme “K-12 Learners: Ready to Face Life’s Challenges” highlights the conferment of a total of 354 Sagradan learners from the three academic departments. It was a historical event as the last of the series of the recognition and commencement exercises featured the batch of senior high graduates who completed the additional two years of senior high school under the K-12 curriculum. School administrators of MDSF congratulated the faculty, students and families for being active catalysts of an academic pursuit that comprised new knowledge, improved perspectives and honed skills which are building blocks for a brighter future.