The Single Most Important Parenting Strategy According to a Clinical Psychologist and Renowned Millennial Parent Whisperer | Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc | Tangos, Baliwag, Bulacan

The Single Most Important Parenting Strategy According to a Clinical Psychologist and Renowned Millennial Parent Whisperer

Parenting is filled with highs and lows, and sometimes, we find ourselves reacting in ways we later regret. There is a powerful strategy that can turn these difficult moments into opportunities for growth and connection: repair. Becky Kennedy, an American clinical psychologist and founder and CEO of the Good Inside company, sheds light on the…

Supercharge Your Learning with Active Recall | Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc | Tangos, Baliwag, Bulacan

Supercharge Your Learning with Active Recall

Hello Sagradans! How is your class going so far?   Are you currently studying science or preparing for an upcoming quiz? Did you know that there’s a learning technique that can transform the way you study and retain information? It’s called active recall, and it’s not just for acing tests – it’s a skill that…

Sowing Seeds of World-Ready Learners: How MDSF nurtured task integrations over the years | Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc | Tangos, Baliwag, Bulacan

Sowing Seeds of World-Ready Learners: How MDSF nurtured task integrations over the years

Integ-GREAT-ed Seeds:    Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc. (MDSF) has cultivated a legacy of constantly redefining the boundaries of education, sprouting beyond traditional textbooks and settings. With a curriculum that integrates multiple subjects, Science Supervisor and Concurrent Curriculum Coordinator Dan Angelo Bagadiong reveals the approach’s voyage of change, akin to a tall tree that has…

MDSF Grade School explores big ideas, trips beyond the classroom | Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc | Tangos, Baliwag, Bulacan

MDSF Grade School explores big ideas, trips beyond the classroom

  As dynamic and vivid as the world around them, every student must experience the ideas taught in schools in a way that genuinely resonates with them in order for these lessons to instill a lifelong love for learning. This is why the grade school department is introducing one of this year’s flagship programs: Experiential…

Second Graders Stack Up Lessons in Science, GMRC, MAPEH to make Healthy Sandwiches | Montessori De Sagrada Familia, Inc | Tangos, Baliwag, Bulacan

Second Graders Stack Up Lessons in Science, GMRC, MAPEH to make Healthy Sandwiches

  Serving as their integrated performance task in three subjects while promoting nutrition awareness, all seven sections from the Grade 2 level participated in a sandwich-making activity led by an expert chef Jestur Jacob Evangelista at the Pre-Elementary Conference Hall on August 2.   The said event combined lessons from MAPEH (Nutrition), GMRC (Taking Care…