Children learn best when they are playing. They are always excited to observe, explore and discover a lot of things in their environment. Here in Montessori de Sagrada Familia (MDSF), preschoolers are given such time for freedom from rules and structure. They are given a space to navigate as a support to their development and thinking process.
Play is an essential part of early learning. It is the child’s beginning of knowledge. Thus, here in MDSF, the Junior Casa pupils through the initiative of their loving teachers, engaged themselves in an “Umbrella Fun Day” as part of learning the initial sound /Uu/. This letter sound was given emphasis as they used an umbrella while playing under the sprinkles of water.
They had fun getting wet and getting involved in this literacy activity. This only goes to prove that JC pupils are always exposed in enjoyable and literacy rich activities.
Here at MDSF, we are always thinking of innovative ways to give the children opportunities to be in motion. They are always given a chance to experience different kinds of adventure. We believe that through free play, they aren’t just enjoying but they are also learning.
By: Patricia Marie Tadeo